It is not uncommon for Victorians to receive traffic and toll infringements long after they have been incurred. Often times, this will lead to many infringements accruing, leading to late payment penalties.
Applying to the Magistrates’ Court for an Infringement Extension
If you have recently been notified that you have outstanding traffic or toll infringements, you may be eligible to apply for an infringement extension through the Magistrates’ Court.
Both individuals and companies are eligible to make an application for an infringement extension. If you are applying on behalf of a company, an authority to act letter signed by the director of the company must be provided.
You must apply for an infringement extension within 14 days of first becoming aware of the infringements.
An application form is then completed, which details who is making the application and the infringement numbers subject to the application.
A statutory declaration must then be completed which sets out the grounds for making the application.
Once the application form is filed with the Magistrates’ Court, a hearing date will be provided.
If your application is granted, you will be given 28 days to deal with your infringements. The Court will provide you with an extract which confirms that the application has been granted. This extract should then be provided to Fines Victoria, who will then give you options on how to deal with the infringements, which include:
- Pay the original infringement amount in full
- Nominate the driver of the vehicle
- Apply for a payment extension
- Apply for an instalment plan
- Request a review of the infringement
Eligible Infringements
In most circumstances, the only infringements eligible for an extension are traffic camera infringements and tollway infringements.
You are not eligible to make an application for extension for on the spot infringements and parking infringements.
Click here to read an Infringement Extension case in Victoria that was successfully run by Nardi Lawyers handled.
Michael0491 626 283
Nicholas0493 141 014
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South Morang VIC 3752, Australia -
456 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000