The following case study is an example of an Infringement Extension Application in Victoria handled by Nardi Lawyers.
Our client was the director of a company, with a vehicle registered to the company incurring over 30 traffic and toll infringements over a 4 year period. As the infringements had not been dealt with, they had accrued late penalties with the total amount owed to Fines Victoria being exorbitant.
Our client never received the infringement notices, as VicRoads and Fines Victoria did not have their correct business address listed. They became aware of the infringements after enquiring with Fines Victoria about a separate infringement.
We completed an Application for Extension of Infringement form on behalf of our client, which detailed each infringement, as well as a statutory declaration which outlined the grounds for making the application.
As you only have 14 days from the day you become aware of the infringements to make an application for an extension, we acted quickly to ensure the application was completed in time.
The application was then filed with the Magistrates’ Court and a hearing date was provided.
We drafted written submissions for the Court, which outlined our client’s position in detail. Written submissions are not a requirement, however we wanted to place our client in the best position possible for their application to be granted.
The submissions were then filed with the Court for the Magistrates’ consideration.
Our client’s application was granted by the Magistrate, which then gave them 28 days to deal with the outstanding infringements.
As a result of the successful application, our client was then able to nominate the driver of the vehicle and pay the infringements in their original amount.
Michael0491 626 283
Nicholas0493 141 014
Email Address[email protected]
Nardi Lawyers Pty Ltd
Suite 22 Level 1/797 Plenty Rd,
South Morang VIC 3752, Australia -
456 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000