Criminal Law
October 20, 2022

The following case study is one of many examples where one of our clients received Diversion as an outcome for their offending. For further information about Diversion, see our article here.

The Charges

Our client was facing the following charges:

  • Criminal Damage; and
  • Wilful Damage.

Our client did not have any criminal priors at the time of the offending, which in most cases, is required for Diversion to be considered. It was paramount to our client that they avoid a criminal conviction, as regular police checks are a requirement of their occupation.

Successfully completing a Diversion Plan will result in there being no conviction or finding of guilt recorded.

What the police alleged

Our client allegedly damaged the property of another when at a social gathering.

How Nardi Lawyers helped

What the police alleged in their summary of the incident and what actually happened were vastly different. Diversion was accepted, particularly after explaining the circumstances surrounding the incident, as well as our client’s personal circumstances.


In Court, we gave submissions on our client’s behalf, with the focus being on their personal circumstances and the reason why the offence occurred. We gave a history of our client’s life and further relevant information in an effort for the Magistrate to accept Diversion.

Our hearing was successful with our client receiving Diversion, with the only condition being to be of good behaviour for a period of 4 months.

If you have been charged with similar offences, we recommend that you call our office today, so we can help you achieve the best outcome possible.

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